The Dataviz Dispatch
Your weekly dose of Data Visualization content – from charting tips to historical trips to design innovations to real world dataviz applications.

Get up to Speed with Gauge Charts
From speedometers to blood pressure pumps, gauges are part of our everyday lives and gauge charts work the very same way. Let’s Engage! •••

Better Dataviz Helps 55 Degrees Deliver Analytics Faster
One of Black Label’s Swedish Clients 55 Degrees were in need of Data Visualization specialists to help improve their Analytics Platform. Black Label stepped up to the challenge! •••

Donut Chart: The Hole Story
If you’re a fan of pies then you’re going to love donuts… charts of course! If you’re hungry to learn how they work, grab a coffee and tuck in. •••

Tulip Mania – The Dataviz Behind the Dutch Flower Bubble
There’s been many economic bubbles over the years but there’s never been such a beautiful disaster as when the Dutch tulip bubble burst. Buckle up your clogs and let’s dive in! •••

What is Continuous Data? Everything You Need To Know
Is your dataset continuous? If so, do you know what the best charts are for this kind of dataset? Read all you need to know below. •••

How to Choose the Best Colors for your Graph or Chart
The colors you choose for a chart or graph can pull people in or push them away. This article will help you choose your hues wisely. •••

Categorical Data: Understand your Dataset Before you Start your Chart
There are a couple of data types in the charting world. How can you identify your data type and which chart should you choose to display it? •••

Graph vs Chart: What’s the Difference?
Many people are confused by these which is no surprise as they’re often used interchangeably. But there is one key difference between them that you must know. •••

Dataviz at SpaceX
Want to know why Elon Musk’s SpaceX rockets are off the charts? Suit up, sit back and enjoy the read! •••

The Ultimate Introduction to Infographic Storytelling
Strong infographics that tell a compelling story cut through the noise of the daily data flood and help us understand complex topics better and faster. •••

Bonaparte & Minard: French Revolutionary Works of Chart
Ok we admit it, the connection between Napoleon and Data Visualization isn’t exactly obvious. That’s why Monsieur Minard went ahead and drew a map for you. •••

Visualizing Data Like Da Vinci
Ever wondered what the “Da” in Da Vinci means? It’s a short for Dataviz, which also helped get us to the moon! Take a trip from “Da” Vinci to “Da” future now. •••

Bar Chart vs Column Chart: Which is best for you?
We all know these two chestnuts of the charting world, but which one is the best for you? •••

Using Pyramid Charts: How to Visualize Small Datasets Like a Pro
Does your data fit the concept of a pyramid chart? Let’s carefully unwrap this tricky topic like a mummy. •••