Magdalena Gut


Hi, I’m a JavaScript Developer with a passion for technology. My journey began at WSEI College of Economics and Computer Science and truly took off during an Erasmus exchange at Universitat Politècnica de València.

Working at Black Label I have the opportunity to dive deeper into data visualization contributing to the Highcharts Library with projects like the Pictorial and GeoHeatMap series. You can also find me on Stack Overflow, where I assist the community with questions related to Highcharts and JavaScript. Currently, I’m also developing a data-viz Figma plugin that I’m really excited about.

In my articles for Blog Label I’ll be giving you an insider’s view into the art and design of data visualization and I’ll offer you some tips on how you can practically apply this knowledge in your professional work or education.

Interested in a FREE project consultation?

Book a free meeting with Andrzej Bułeczka, the Highcharts Team Lead and Developer.

Book it now!
Andrzej Bułeczka